Thursday, 25 September 2014

September 2014.  The front quarter window catches: some parts were available new but the catches themselves needed to be cleaned-up and re-chromed.  I've still to machine one of the locking screws from the one I have (these are not available from Porsche).

The inner door handles have come back from Southbound trimmers.  I'm delighted with the finish, new coverings and tidying-up the 'horse-hair' padding.  I just need to find a pair of the plastic covers that fit the bottom and the little rosettes that fit the holes for the door triggers.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

August 2014, forming a new oak dash.  A carpenters shop planed the oak to thickness; careful work with a coping saw to reproduce the desired shapes.  Here shown drying after finishing (several coats of highly thinned varnish).

August 2014, working on the door panels: aluminum panels cut from the original card templates; lining material under black vinyl covering; reproducing the '65 door pocket - individual 'panels; cut an stitched with thin ply insert to top edge to correct curvature.

September 2013 and the engine is stripped.  Cases are cleaned by hand (hours with the rags and carb cleaner!) and various parts cleaned prior to selective plating.

Original solex carbs sent to Carburetor Exchange for refurbishment - returned looking like new!

All tin wear stripped and powder coated.

October 2012 and the gearbox is stripped and parts are cleaned-up prior to the rebuild